Continuous Professional Development Center (CPDC)

About Us 

Our goal in Continuous Professional Development Center (CPDC) is to enhance the skills of our students, reserachers and engineers and also imporve their knowledge. We're also trying to develop a long-term bond between our department and industry and we continue to make progress everyday. We offer two different programs especially designed to meet the needs of our students, engineers and industry. 
Student Program: In this program, our instructors focus on giving students a deeper understanding of what they've learned so far.
Industrial Program: In this program, our instructors focus on analysing and solving real world problems, that gives engineers a deeper knowledge of what they've achieved in their professional career.


Industrial Program

Student Program

Student Program

Contact Us

Mehdi Behzad


Ph.D. University of New South Wales, Australia - 1995

Tel: +98 (21) 6616 5509 and +98 (21) 6616 5500


Room Number: 439


Publications: Mehdi Behzad - Google Scholar

Laboratory 1: Condition Monitoring

Laboratory 1 Number: B10

Laboratory 1 Tel: +98 (21) 6616 5519 and +98 (21) 6616 5576

Laboratory 2: Rotor-Bearing Systems

Laboratory 2 Number: 314

Laboratory 2 Tel: +98 (21) 6616 5573

Vibrations and Machine Elements Design


Somaye Mohammadi

Assistant Professor

Ph.D. Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran - 2021

Tel: (021) 6616-5690


Room Number: 408


Publications:  ‪Somaye Mohammadi - ‪Google Scholar

Engineering Acoustics
